Don't Worry, We'll Be Back Soon
Don't Worry, We'll Be Back Soon
Patricia Renee' Thomas
Patricia Renee' Thomas
September 10 - October 16, 2021
September 10 - October 16, 2021

"Don't Worry, We'll Be Back Soon. is a series of paintings that look back on my experiences in natural spaces. The work introduces a variety of playful, saturated moments in my Black girlhood. I'm calling attention to the many time I felt unwelcome of surveilled in public spaces. Many of the figures in my paintings attempt to camougflage in order to enjoy, rest, play, and survive."
-Patricia Renee' Thomas
"Don't Worry, We'll Be Back Soon. is a series of paintings that look back on my experiences in natural spaces. The work introduces a variety of playful, saturated moments in my Black girlhood. I'm calling attention to the many time I felt unwelcome of surveilled in public spaces. Many of the figures in my paintings attempt to camougflage in order to enjoy, rest, play, and survive."
-Patricia Renee' Thomas